What a great day we had today! Thanks to Billy for organising us all. Those who gathered at the club under a very blue sky this morning included, in no particular order, Scott, Anne, Bruce, Ian, Trevor and Phil, with Martin flying the tug. Gliders taking to the air included R1, 753, R67, HYJ and M17 (twice).

Some XC prods down the Spey valley and also down towards Ben Rinnes. Blue thermals and later on some cloudy ones, up to a base around 5,500 feet.

blue and buoyant with some rollicking thermals around, hidden by chasms of endless sink. Billy fixed it on the midweek flying email - well done! 5 gliders and 7 pilots. Brilliant!!!

And a final word of thanks to our friends at ATC Lossiemouth for their patience and understanding :-) Proof, if we needed it, that midweek flying can produce a really succesful and enjoyable day
