We've just finished off a week's club expedition to the lovely people at Deeside GC, Aboyne. Phil led the charge, with Billy, Roger, Bruce and Colin also in attendance. The hardware comprised R1, M17 and JYC, along with something rather more exotic that I'll cover in a separate post.
Bruce set off last Sunday and M17 finally got to Aboyne courtesy of Phil, who passed up a day's shopping with wife and daughter when Bruce's car had a clutch meltdown in Dufftown. Thankfully Billy had been following and ths situation was saved.
R1 and JYC arrived on Monday, which was a day with strong thermals. A bit more flying on Tuesday, with Phil and Bruce sharing a flight in R1, in weaker thermals. Wednesday also provided some flying for those who were on hand, and Colin had some spin time with Phil in the Aboyne Puchacz.
Thursday started off with powerful wave, but this collapsed into thermals mid-morning, so no lengthy cross country. And the rest of the week was non-flying. But we had excellent craik, food and drink and a very helpful welcome from all at Aboyne. More pilots needed next time!
A photo here taken by Bruce at 8000 feet above Lochnagar on Thursday, with Loch Muick just visible mid left of frame, al,l just before the wave evaporated for the day.